Feed 500 Campaign
Just $12.50 per Month – Less than $.42 per day
The Children’s Hunger Project is proud to announce that we will be feeding even more local children during the 2017-18 school year. Because of the support of so many, we are able to increase to over 1600 children who will receive a package of food to ensure that they do not go hungry over the weekends. We are also increasing the number of schools to 39 elementary schools throughout the county.
But the sad truth is that we need to be serving about 3,000. To address this unmet need we have launched our Feed 500 Campaign. For just $12.50 each month you can feed a child for the entire school year on the weekends. That is just 42 cents per day, the price of a couple of lattes a month. The Feed 500 Campaign will get us closer to making sure that children in Brevard County do not face hunger on the weekends.
Thank you for supporting, donating, volunteering and making our kids a beneficiary! YOU give hungry children in Brevard HOPE!
Join our campaign to feed a hungry child in Brevard. Imagine a child who, for the most part, has the hopes and dreams of a typical ten year old. However, the odds in life are stacked against this child, since mom is working to make ends meet as a single parent, or a responsible guardian may not be present. This child may often have little food in the house, or they may be homeless. Children who are eligible for free breakfast and lunch at school can find that lunch on Friday is their last real meal until returning to school on Monday morning. That is almost 70 hours without nutrition. It’s common knowledge among teachers that kids coming to school hungry on Monday are more prone to behavioral outbursts due to hunger. Research shows these children will also test 17% lower in math skills, are sick more often, and take longer to recover because of poor nutrition. Over 50% of students in Brevard County are eligible for the free or reduced lunch program at school. This statistic is important because this is the key indicator for hunger and poverty in a geographic area. Currently The Children’s Hunger Project serves 1500 children each weekend. Your support can create a level playing field when it comes to success in school. Please consider making a monthly tax deductible gift to help us fight child hunger in Brevard. You can make your gift online or through the mail as a recurring donation. Challenge your friends and work associates to join this campaign. It will make a difference in lives of children in Brevard.
P.S. Please consider leaving The Children’s Hunger Project in your estate plans. Consult an attorney for details and leave a lasting legacy of fighting hunger in our community.
Since 2010, The Children’s Hunger Project has delivered food packages every school week to elementary schools in Brevard County to help kids at risk of weekend hunger.
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